Every lawyer, at least once in every case, feels himself crossing a line he doesn't really mean to cross. It just happens. And if you cross it enough times, it disappears forever. And then you're nothing but another lawyer joke, just another shark in the dirty water.
意大利版《岳云鹏女儿》在催眠的状态下妓女回到16岁随母亲进教堂做礼拜捧起一束花她的眼神最纯洁干净不设防卡比利亚在影片开头被男人推入河中到结尾仍旧要被男人推下悬崖但万念俱灰地走在歌舞升平的路上她还是露出微笑仿佛从未受到过伤害那样巴赞说六度电影院最新这个片子后新现实主义的特征就体现在重复卡比利亚不断地遇见希望和失望遇见渣男和新的渣男这些事件和事件之间没有因果关系也无必然的时间顺序它们被展现出来作为一种无可逃避的现实“a vertical dimension, a dimension of 'the event' that befalls the character.